
Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker 1

Prof. David BASSIR

Dongguan University of Technology, China

Brief introduction:

Professor David BASSIR is Distinguish professor (Changjiang scholar Program) at Dongguan University of Technology at the Sino French Institute. He is also Head of Smart Structural Health Monitoring and Control Lab (SSHMC). and Expert at European Commission For Research Funds. He is also President of the Sino- French Association for Science and technology. Before joining DGUT, He was Professor in France at University or Technology UTBM and Also Senior researcher at ENS- Paris Saclay University. And before that he was, dean at the University of Lorraine (France), Attaché for Science and Technology at the French Embassy (China), General Director of Research at the ESTP (Paris) and Space Craft engineer at different space agencies such as Arianespace and Astrium Group. 

He has published more than 150 papers in Sci journals, books, indexed conference proceedings and patent. He supervised over 14 Phd and 34 Masters Students. He contributed to several research projects in France, in Europe and in China. His main research activities are based on Structural optimization, Composites, Multiscale modelling, Smart buildings and Advanced prediction using artificial intelligence. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Int. journal IJSMDO (EI) and also Scientific editors is few international journals.
Keynote Speaker 2
Brief introduction: 

Prof. Yusri Yusof is a Professor in the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), appointed as UTHM Board of Director (BoD) member for 3 years from 10 May, 2021 by the Minister of Higher Education, Malaysia, and University Senate member for more than 10 years.

Prof. Yusri Yusof was recognized as a Visiting Professor from the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, on 1 September 2019. He owns a PhD in Manufacturing, obtained from the University of Loughborough, the United Kingdom, in 2007. His doctoral thesis was on STEP Compliant Approach to Turning Operations in manufacturing engineering and passed without correction in his PhD viva.

Currently, Prof. Yusri Yusof is a Professor in the Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the UTHM. Prof. Yusri has over 22 years of experience teaching in higher education. Prof. Yusri has been invited 40 times as a Keynote speaker at local and International conferences and has served on International Committee for almost 50 conferences in his area for the last 5 years. Prof. Yusri has multidisciplinary research interests, and his main research areas focus on the Manufacturing of Smart Devices & Technology Development and Digitalization & Retro-Fit CNC machines.

He has published 88 Scopus papers, mainly in CAD/CAM and advanced manufacturing. Prof. Yusri led about 20 grant research projects involving almost RM2 million under Science fund (MOSTI), Prototype Research Grant (PRGS), Fundamental Research Grant (FRGS) and Internal Research Fund under Intelligent Manufacture for STEP-NC Compliant Machining projects.

He has served on the Editorial Board of International Journals and is currently involved in several international bodies such as the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Senior member of the Science and Engineering Institute (SCIEI), The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET) Scientific and Technical Committees, editorial & reviewer’s boards and Senior member of the International Association of Engineering Technology (IAET). Member of Board of Engineer (BEM) Malaysia, Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT).

Prof. Yusri Yusof

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)


